COVID-19 Information
At all San Diego Comic Convention events, the health and safety of our stakeholders are our main priorities, and because of this, we will continue to implement policies and protocols based on state/local health guidelines and public health recommendations as we prepare for Comic-Con each year. As the COVID-19 situation continues to be one that is constantly changing, we will continue to assess the evolving public health guidance regarding large gatherings and adapt accordingly.
We encourage every individual to make informed decisions about attending our events in the best interest of their own health as well as the health of others. We will continue to update these policies and protocols as they are available, so be sure to check this page often for the most up-to-date information.
While San Diego Comic Convention (“SDCC”) cannot guarantee that its participants will not become infected with diseases such as COVID-19 or other illnesses, SDCC will, at a minimum, comply with all federal, state, and local requirements. By attending our events you agree to abide by entry requirements in effect at the time of the event. Before you attend Comic-Con, please be sure to visit our website for the latest COVID-19 information.
While not required at this time, SDCC recommends that participants get vaccinated and boosted, if appropriate, and wear a medical quality mask while in large crowds.
By attending this event you agree to abide by entry requirements in effect at the time of the event.
Please note: these policies apply to all attendee groups, including but not limited to exhibitors, guests, staff, press, professionals, volunteers, and cosplayers. Be aware that adjustments may need to be made to policies and guidelines during the event in order to ensure the health and safety of all attendee groups, so we ask that everyone please follow the directions on informational signage and from all staff.
We recommend that you review any guidelines or restrictions for travel to the city and state of the event as well as travel to the US. That information is available here. For specific information concerning the convention center policies please visit the San Diego Convention Center.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is another great resource and we encourage you to visit this site often for up-to-date information on preventative measures.