Comic-Con 2024 Toucan Tip of the day

TOUCAN TIP #3: Robert A. Heinlein Blood Drive

Be a superhero and save lives by donating blood at Comic-Con’s Robert A. Heinlein Blood Drive.

2024 Comic-Con® Robert
A. Heinlein Blood Drive

Comic-Con’s renowned Robert A. Heinlein Blood Drive returns for its 48th year, providing vital donation areas at the Coronado Ballroom in the Manchester Grand Hyatt, and all San Diego Blood Bank Donation Centers. Now is the opportune time to be a hero and save lives by donating blood today! Be a superhero by:

  1. Donating on-site.
  2. Donating for an additional 34 days after the convention.
  3. Donating before Comic-Con (and request a certificate of Donation).

For more information, stop by the Blood Drive Desk located upstairs in the Sails Pavilion of the San Diego Convention Center during Comic-Con 2024!

Appointments are strongly encouraged for donating at the Hyatt, but they usually take walk-ins too, even without a badge.

These appointment links are for donating at the Manchester Grand Hyatt:

Wednesday, July 24CLICK HERE to schedule for Wednesday
Thursday, July 25CLICK HERE to schedule for Thursday   
Friday, July 26CLICK HERE to schedule for Friday      
Saturday, July 27CLICK HERE to schedule for Saturday  
Sunday, July 28CLICK HERE to schedule for Sunday


Manchester Grand Hyatt
Coronado Ballroom, 4th Floor
1 Market Place
San Diego, CA 92101


Wednesday through Saturday – 9:00 AM through 6:00 PM
Sunday – 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM


Robert A. Heinlein at San Diego Comic-Con in 1977. Photo by Jackie Estrada
Robert A. Heinlein at San Diego Comic-Con in 1977. Photo by Jackie Estrada

For science fiction fans, few names were as stellar as Robert A. Heinlein. From Starship Troopers to Stranger in a Strange Land, Heinlein was the dean of SF writers. Unfortunately, he rarely attended conventions, so his readers had few opportunities to meet the master in person.

Then in the early 1970s, Heinlein had a life-threatening illness and needed many pints of a rare blood type. He felt he owed his life to the donors, so when asked to be a guest at the 1976 Worldcon in his hometown of Kansas City, he agreed—but with one specific stipulation: that he would only sign autographs for people who donated blood.

Thus, longtime Comic-Con committee member Jackie Estrada approached the author with an offer to hold a blood drive in San Diego if he would consent to being a guest. He agreed, and in 1977 Heinlein came to Comic-Con. He and his wife, Ginny, had a great time and Heinlein even drew a picture for the Sunday morning Art Auction.

“David Scroggy [who went on to be a VP at Dark Horse Comics before he retired] was the first blood drive coordinator,” recalls Estrada. “We also had Theodore Sturgeon there, signing his book, Some of Your Blood, which he gave to all of the blood donors. We also had entertainment for the people while they were [donating blood]. I remember that Leslie Cabarga played the piano, C. C. Beck played the guitar. It was a very fun event and Robert was delighted. We’ve had the blood drive every year since.”

Join us over the next week as we post more Toucan Tips to help you enjoy and better navigate Comic-Con 2024!

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