Comic-Con Toucan Tip of the Day

Toucan Tip #13: SUNDAY Schedule+Events

Gear up for the final day of fun at Comic-Con 2024, as we release the schedule for Sunday.

Now you have the entire panel schedule along with the FULL schedules for:

Howdy! In case you missed the past few days, don’t sweat! Click the links for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and get caught up on their panel schedules. Fine-tune your final day at Comic-Con. Remember we also have Autographs, CCI-IFF screenings and panels, and so much more in store for you.s. Enjoy browsing!

Our website and mobile app, featuring SCHED, ensure an easy Comic-Con experience. Set up your account and select your favorite panels and events. MySched provides a customizable list that can be printed, shared, and synced across devices. Export your schedule to your calendar and filter by type, title, company, artist, writer, and more!

Join us over the next few weeks as we post more Toucan Tips to help you enjoy and better navigate Comic-Con 2024!

Bookmark Toucan for the latest Toucan Tips as we zip towards Comic-Con 2024, July 25–28, at the San Diego Convention Center!